BK media systems

surf photography since 1991 high altitude action sports exciting photography surfing shooting

deutsch Wir unterstützen Ihre Vorstellung mit digitalem stereoskopisch korrektem 3D-HD-Video, sowie digitaler und analoger Fotografie, Reportagen und PR-Aktionen. Bernhard Kockoth ist seit 1995 erfahren in Action-Fotografie die international publiziert wurde. Wir sind vielsprachig: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Russisch - Ideal für internationale Projekte in Europa - Zentral gelegen sind es nur wenige Stunden von Karlsruhe nach Mailand, Zürich, Luxemburg, Paris, Lyon, München oder Köln und Düsseldorf. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Bernhard Kockoth media systems für weitere Informationen. Hier unsere historische Stereofoto-Beispielseite.

Bernhard Kockoth is your specialist for international advanced outdoor media production, three-dimensional digital stereoscopic HD-video and stunning 3D-photography at your service, as well as exciting action sports photography and international events coverage. We speak the languages of Europe: German, English, French, Russian, Italian - at central location to cover events in West and Central Europe within hour of our office. Multimedia production capacity with full HD capabale Digital Video, professional Canon photography equipment as well as high resolution medium format and digital stereovideo production capacity. We get your event information where it happens! Coantact BK media for your media project in Europe. We are located only a few driving hours between Paris, Berlin, Milan and close to Frankfurt, Luxembourg, Munich and Zurich. Fast action sports events is our speciality, also cover international events be that bookshow or state president visit. Speaking of, please visit our showroom - click here for some older samples of our work.

francais Nous realisons vos projets mediatiques en 3D! reportages photo et video numérique HD sur événements internationaux en Europe ouest - centrale. Equipement Video numérique HD, photographique avec appareils professionels Canon, moyen format Pentax, et photo numérique haute resolution à votre service. Situé sur la frontiere franco-allemande nous sommes seulement à quelques heures de Munich, Paris, Zurich, Luxembourg, Frankfort, Cologne, Milan. Nous sommes mulitlingues allemand - anglais - francais - italien - russe. Veuillez contacter bkmedia sur kanolua.com pour plus d'informations.


BK media systems Projects:

end to end coverage, documentation, translation, photography and video production

    BK media systems - projects:

    Publications in Photography and Surfing Magazines:

    delivery of both photography and feature story

    • 2005 France: PHOTO magazine
    • 1998 USA: Surfer magazine
    • 1996..98 Germany: SURFERS magazine
    • 1996 Germany: ACTION magazine
    • 1995 France: PHOTO magazine
    • 1995 France: Surf Session magazine
    • 1980 Germany: Deutscher Jugend Foto Preis

    by BK media systems international

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